* 20 Sheets with Blattodea Pheromone
* Black Flag of the Spanish Republic
* Black Flag vynil
* Black Posters (box)
* Black Posters 2008-2018 (fanzine)
* Cartel "Ni olvido ni perdón"
* Catálogo Presos políticos en la España contemporánea
* Catalogue No, Global Tour
* Catalogue Political Prisoners in Contemporary Spain
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra House in Mud
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. 300 Tons and Previous Works
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. Black Flag.
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. Mea Culpa
* Catalogue Santiago Sierra. Works 2002-1990
* Constructions with 10 Modules and 10 Workers
* Diamondtraffickills
* Door Plate
* Door Plate (2014)
* DVD. NO, Global Tour
* Economical study on the skin of Caracans
* Europe, 2009
* Los Penetrados
* Monument to Civil Disobedience (Plate)
* Monumento a la Desobediencia Civil (Placa)
* National Coat of Arms of Spain Stamped with Blood
* No, Global Tour (Jewels)
* NO, Global Tour (Serigraphy)
* NO, Global Tour Armband
* NO, small sculpture
* Poster NO, Global Tour
* Santiago Sierra: Interviews/Entrevistas
* Sculpture, Photography, Film
* Test strips of cockroach pheromones displayed equidistantly on a wall
Santiago Sierra: Interviews/Entrevistas

Logroño, Pepitas de Calabaza, October 2016. Paperback (21x15 cm.). Languages: Spanish, English. Introduction by Juan Albarrán and Francisco Javier Sanmartín. Interviews by Gabriele Mackert, Fietta Jarque, Pamela Echeverría, Rosa Martínez, Mario Rossi, Carlos Jiménez, Javier Díaz Guardiola, Guido Comis, Hilke Wagner, Minhea Mircan, Gerald Matt, Patricia Blasco, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Marco Scotini, Paco Barragán, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Rotem Rozental, Thomas D. Trummer. 532 pages. ISBN: 978-84-16862-56-7.